Methods to improve the resistance of nickel heat-resisting alloys to high-temperature creep
Authors: Arginbaeva E.G., Lutskaya S.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(33)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-4-467 | |
Category: Metallurgy and Science of Materials | Chapter: Metal Science, Thermal Processing of Metals and Alloys |
Keywords: creep, nickel heat-resisting alloy, monocrystal, misfit, raft structure, rhenium, heat treatment, hot isostatic pressing |
Published: 30.04.2019 |
A review of the scientific publications of foreign and domestic researchers on the problem of high-temperature creep of nickel-based foundry heat-resisting alloys has been performed. Information is given on the mechanisms of high-temperature creep for alloys with a monocrystal and polycrystalline structure. The main methods for improving the structural stability of nickel alloys by refining, doping, gas-static pressing and heat treatment are considered, and data are presented on the effect of the cooling rate on the creep resistance of alloys. Promising areas of research by Federal State Unitary Enterprise all-Russian Scientific Research State Research Center Of The Russian Federation to increase the resistance of foundry heat-resistant nickel alloys to high-temperature creep are indicated.
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