
A model for gas permeability of a carbon fibre reinforced plastic composite material

Authors: Andreev R.O.
Published in issue: #6(11)/2017
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2017-6-104

Category: Metallurgy and Science of Materials | Chapter: Powder Metallurgy and Composite Materials

Keywords: free molecular flow in gas, conductivity, capillary, vacuum, vacuum production process, gas permeability, composite material, carbon fibre reinforced plastic
Published: 06.06.2017

To evaluate gas permeability of a material, we developed a model that takes its properties into account over a wide range of temperatures. We use a single model to summarise known experimental data on outgassing in structural materials for vacuum use, such as glass, aluminium alloys, ceramics and so on. We show that it is possible to make the matrix gas permeability approach the gas permeability of fused silica.


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