Obtaining copper in the form of a dispersed metal by reduction from an aqueous acid solution
Authors: Bartagov R.K. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #10(63)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-10-745 | |
Category: Metallurgy and Science of Materials | Chapter: Powder Metallurgy and Composite Materials |
Keywords: copper sulfate, aluminum, electrolysis, reduction, displacement, reduction ability, redox potential, dispersion |
Published: 16.11.2021 |
At present, the main way of obtaining copper is electrolysis of solutions. However, this method is uneconomical and difficult to apply in some cases due to the high cost of electricity and the lack of the possibility of laying high-voltage power lines. Due to the above factors complicating the possibility of using electrolysis, it is proposed to apply a method for producing copper from an aqueous acidic liquid medium, described in this work, which does not require a high voltage in production. Moreover, the urgency of the electrolysis problem can be judged not only on the basis of the high process cost, but also based on the environmental aspect: electrolysis requires a high voltage, which does not allow the use of alternative energy sources for generating electricity, such as wind power generators or solar panels, forcing the use of outdated means for generating electricity — thermal power plants, which are not environmentally friendly.
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