Formation of directed particle flows during a gas mixture burning in a channel
Authors: Sadokhina T.D. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #10(27)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-10-398 | |
Category: Physics | Chapter: Chemical physics, combustion and explosion |
Keywords: microparticles spraying, gas-thermal spraying, detonation spraying, deflagation-to-detanation transition (DDT), combustion wave, burning in a channel, coating efficiency, Navier-Stokes equation |
Published: 08.11.2018 |
The problem of the deposition of microparticles on a solid substrate is considered. A method for its solution is proposed, based on formation of a directed stream of particles in a pulse of successive compression waves generated when a gaseous mixture develops in the channel. Dependence of deposition efficiency on channel length was obtained as well as uniformity of deposition in implementation of the most productive mode was estimated by numerical simulation methods. It has been shown that the regime with gradual acceleration of microparticles in a stream generated by an accelerating flame in a short channel provides more efficient deposition of microparticles on a substrate as compared to sputtering microparticles in a detonation impulse generated by the transition of combustion to detonation in a long channel.
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