Laser-induced synthesis of nanoparticles and their application in solar energy
Authors: Tyulpanova E.M. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #7(24)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-7-351 | |
Category: Physics | Chapter: Physics and technology of nanostructures, nuclear and molecular |
Keywords: laser ablation, solar cell, nanomaterials, nanoparticles, reirradiation, colloid solution, gold nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, localized plasma resonance |
Published: 06.08.2018 |
The article presents a review of the nanostructures and nanomaterials properties distinctions from the equivalent properties of the macroscopic objects. It describes in detail special optical properties of the nanoparticles and the influence of the nanoparticles’ parameters on these properties. The authors theoretically and experimentally investigate the method for obtaining nanoparticles by means of laser ablation in the fluid. We consider the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of the solar cells through the use of the noble-metal nanoparticles and define their optimal parameters. The work estimates experimentally the properties of the colloid solution, synthesized by the method of laser ablation in the fluid. The impact of the irradiation conditions on the nanoparticles dimensions is determined. By virtue of the requirements to the nanoparticles’ properties and parameters we suggest a device for the implementation of the continuous laser synthesis as well as the ways for optimizing the control of the synthesis process.
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