
Estimation of the time required for the formation of an electrostatic protection against cosmic radiation on an exoplanet of the terrestrial type

Authors: Bezverkhnyaya D.M.
Published in issue: #1(66)/2022
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-1-761

Category: Physics | Chapter: Physics and technology of nanostructures, nuclear and molecular

Keywords: exoplanet, cosmic rays, ionizing radiation, electrostatic shielding, Drake equation, ionosphere, primary chemical synthesis, extraterrestrial life
Published: 17.02.2022

The author analyzed the influence of cosmic rays on the possibility of life on terrestrial exoplanets located in the habitable zone. It has been established that under the influence of cosmic radiation, Earth-like planets form their own electrostatic protection, shielding the surface of the planet from cosmic radiation. The time required for the formation of a protective electric field has been calculated. It was found that under the action of cosmic rays in the atmosphere of the planet, thunderstorms should occur, and their intensity was calculated. It is shown that the predicted conditions are favorable for the primary synthesis of chemical elements necessary for the origin of life. The results obtained make it possible to refine the corresponding coefficient of the Drake equation.


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