Overview of electro-optical modulators in quantum optical integrated circuits
Authors: Zheltikov V.A., Pasechnikova D.V., Hydyrova S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(70)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-5-798 | |
Category: Physics | Chapter: Physics and technology of nanostructures, nuclear and molecular |
Keywords: quantum optical integrated circuit, photonic qubit, modulator, electro-optical effect, phase plate, Mach-Zehnder interferometer, directional coupler, polarizer |
Published: 24.06.2022 |
Methods of information coding in a photonic quantum computer by modulation of photon characteristics are described. The elements of quantum optical integrated circuits (QOIС) based on electro-optic effects, which allow changing intensity, polarization and phase of a light wave, are considered in detail. Classification of these elements according to the modulation type, their design, fabrication materials and electro-optical effects underlying the operation principle of modulators are described. The elements with the best characteristics and the simplest implementation in the QOIС are defined. Difficulties that might be encountered in the practical implementation of these elements are identified.
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