Comparative analysis of different variants of magneto-inertial fusion
Authors: Batrak N.V., Kopaleishvili N.G. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #6(71)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-6-807 | |
Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering |
Keywords: magneto-inertial fusion, thermonuclear facility, liner, driver, target, power plant, laser driver, plasma jets |
Published: 17.08.2022 |
A comparative analysis of different variants of magneto-inertial fusion is performed. Some of the experiments carried out at facilities used in magneto-inertial confinement of plasma are described. Information is presented on such facilities as NIF, OMEGA, OMEGA EP and Z-Machine. The basic thermophysical parameters of facilities equipped with high-pulse energy lasers and high-speed plasma jets are determined. It is shown that modern thermonuclear facilities, as well as those under development, could be used for a wide range of research and applications. Information on the latest concepts of thermonuclear facilities designed for magneto-inertial fusion is presented.
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