Example of complex calculation of the pulsed radiation-magnetogasdynamic system
Authors: Savritskiy A.N., Nazaryan A.M., Savelyev T.A., Voronina E.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #9(86)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-9-937 | |
Category: Physics | Chapter: Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering |
Keywords: plasmodynamic processes, grid construction, radiation magnetogasdynamics, gas flow, mathematical simulation, numerical method, pulse systems, mathematical physics |
Published: 16.10.2023 |
The paper considers an implemented method of constructing the adaptive grids to calculate the complex pulsed radiation-magnetogasdynamic (RMGD) models in a generalized coordinate system. Multidimensional complex pulsed RMHD models and numerical methods for obtaining characteristics of the pulsed RMHD systems were validated and verified using an example of calculating the gas-dynamic parameters of a jet coming from the nozzle exit into the cocurrent gas flow. Numerical technique for constructing regular curvilinear adaptive grids in the arbitrary areas was developed. This technique makes it possible to construct an adaptive (to the computational zone boundaries and to peculiarities in solving the mathematical physics problems) computational grid by solving the elliptic partial differential equations and using the special adaptation algorithms. Test calculations were performed.
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