Hydrogen liquefier: using liquid hydrogen in the low performance applications
Authors: Glebov S.E., Eltsov I.S., Basharina T.A., Ignatov A.S., Shmatov D.P. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #12(89)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-12-956 | |
Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Chemistry of gases |
Keywords: hydrogen, cryogenics, hydrogen liquefier, throttling, nitrogen refrigeration cycle, heat exchange process, heat engineering, condensation process |
Published: 25.01.2024 |
The paper presents evaluation of the hydrogen liquefiers’ relevance and the necessity for a liquefaction process in solving the applied problems in various sectors of the Russian industry. It notes that, although high-performance liquefaction facilities are currently widely operating in Russia, the low-performance facilities are practically missing. It should be noted that various industries are urgently requiring them. Necessity and relevance of design, development and implementation of the low-performance hydrogen liquefier acceptable for introduction in a wide range of research tasks is confirmed. Patented design of the low-performance hydrogen liquefier by the LLC SPE “InterPolaris” is described. It successfully passed testing at the small-scale production stage, where a closed cold cycle was introduced to produce liquid hydrogen provided the compressed hydrogen pre-cooling and its single throttling.
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