Intake characteristics of piston engines channels determination using OpenFOAM programming complex
Authors: Stashevskiy S.D. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(30)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-1-427 | |
Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines |
Keywords: CFD, OpenFOAM, piston engine, intake stroke, spiral inlet channel, vortex formation, flow coefficient, vortex number |
Published: 23.01.2019 |
A numerical simulation of the flow through a spiral inlet channel with a disc valve was carried out using an open integrable platform for the numerical simulation of continuum mechanics problems — OpenFOAM. Simulation was carried out in a stationary incompressible setting at different valve positions. A semi-automated method for processing the data has been developed and shared, which is a set of scripts in bash and MATLAB. The graphs of the vortex number in the cylinder and the coefficient of flow depending on the valve lift are plotted. To estimate the vortex dynamics in the cylinder, the vortex number was determined both over its entire volume and over its parts. The behavior of the obtained graphs is in qualitative agreement with the known experimental data.
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