Experimental study of a two-stroke small-size engine by helical characteristic
Authors: Olkhovoy M.G., Barchenko B.M. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #10(75)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-10-832 | |
Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines |
Keywords: effective engine performance, two-stroke engine, mullinette, air consumption, fuel consumption, engine performance measurement accuracy, balancing bench, air flow meter |
Published: 17.11.2022 |
The object of the study of this work is a small-sized gasoline carburetor two-stroke engine with crank chamber blowing capacity of 1.5 kW operating on the screw characteristic. This paper describes methods of measuring basic engine parameters and air flow meter tare processing of experimental data and calculation of accuracy of the obtained values. The schemes of the balancing stand, the inlet device and the air flow meter calibration unit are considered. The result of this work is a series of experiments, at the end of which the effective engine parameters in three modes were calculated and the accuracy of these indicators was established. Further, the obtained values can be used to identify the mathematical model of the engine in order to improve its performance.
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