
Review of the literature devoted to the frequency regulation of the rotary vane pump drive

Authors: Zakharova E.V.
Published in issue: #4(21)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-4-286

Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines and Hydropneumatic units

Keywords: hydraulics, fluid machines, rotary vane pump, frequency regulation, literature review, pump drive, power consumption, energy saving
Published: 06.04.2018

The article carries out literature review on the subject of studying the frequency regulation of the rotary vane pump drive. The relevance of this topic is particularly significant nowadays, when the issue of the environmental compatibility and minimum costs of power consumption by the modern industry production is becoming urgent. This article will be useful in the search for the information on the topic considered, since it examines a great part of the sources devoted to this range of problems that we managed to find to date. We highlight the major points of the publications and divide them into three tentative groups according to the degree of covering the object of research.


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