Assessment of the impact of topography and the wind farm on the radiation safety of the Kudankulam NPP
Authors: Merinova V.E. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #3(56)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-3-682 | |
Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Nuclear power plant |
Keywords: radiation safety, wind turbine, dilution factor, impurity transfer, Pasquill stability classes, nuclear power plant, specific volumetric activity of impurities, wind farm |
Published: 01.04.2021 |
The nuclear power plant (NPP) Kudankulam is located on the coastal part of the South India and experiences the influence of weather conditions typical for this area. The high wind speed, as well as the influence of the wind farm located at a distance of 2...3 km from the power units, make it necessary to assess the influence of these factors on the transport of impurities in the atmosphere. The paper evaluates the impact of wind generators on the Kudankulam NPP by introducing an elevation equivalent to the farm with a width of 1 km and a height of 150 m. It is shown that an increase in the value of the specific volumetric active admixture is observed in the area of the wind farm.
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