
Features of hypersonic aircraft use

Authors: Vafina E.A.
Published in issue: #6(59)/2021
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-6-710

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control

Keywords: hypersonic aircraft, control, controllability, control methods, maneuvering, missile technology, weapons, control process, control efficiency
Published: 08.07.2021

Today, hypersonic aircraft are one of the most effective means of overcoming enemy missile defenses. The creation of hypersonic missiles gives an advantage in the political and military aspect of relations between states. The article discusses the features of hypersonic aircraft use, analyzes the control methods of such vehicles, their advantages and disadvantages, control problems and possible methods for their solution. Possible areas of application of hypersonic missiles are also identified and examples of such aircraft are shown, which are currently few due to the complexity of their creation and problems in the implementation of control at high speeds and temperatures.


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