Investigating the thermohydraulic efficiency of the liquid-propellant rocket engine porous tract of cooling with the interchannel coolant flow
Authors: Anfimov M.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #10(15)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2017-10-188 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts |
Keywords: Thermohydraulic efficiency, porous tract, liquid-propellant rocket engine cooling, thermal protection |
Published: 17.10.2017 |
We have developed a method of estimating thermohydraulic efficiency of the cooling tract. In order to obtain the values of thermohydraulic characteristics and conduct further thermohydraulic efficiency research we tested the model element of the porous cooling tract with the interchannel coolant flow as part of the laboratory practicum at the premises of the laboratory research stand. Combustion products of the 76% ethanolaqueous solution with the air of 700…1000 ºC temperature were used as a working medium, and industrial water and air were used as a coolant. The thermohydraulic efficiency of the porous tract in the applied processing and evaluation method upon the heat pickup maximum criterion under otherwise equal conditions is about 0,4…0,7,it grows with increase of number Re and more actively in the laminar region. High efficiency is registered on trials on the water (in the laminar region). It is also established that the efficiency improvement can be achieved by applying more thermally conductive porous materials and by advances in the porous netting material manufacturing technology as well as in the procedure of the coolant feed and withdrawal.
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