Effective dose of ultraviolet radiation for milk disinfection
Authors: Chulkov D.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(66)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-1-764 | |
Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Organic Chemistry |
Keywords: milk disinfection, dairy industry, photochemistry, pulsed xenon lamp, ultraviolet, photochemical reactor, lactic acid bacteria, radiation spectrum |
Published: 18.02.2022 |
The paper presents the results of experiments to determine the effective dose of ultraviolet radiation for the disinfection of milk. An effective dose was selected for the subsequent design of a photochemical reactor and to ensure an effective absorption thickness. Graphs of the effectiveness of the disinfection process depending on the radiation spectrum and a spectrogram of the radiation of a pulsed xenon lamp are presented. Changes in the biochemical composition of the product as a result of treatment with a source of ultraviolet radiation are shown. The necessary doses of radiation were calculated depending on the design of the photochemical reactor, and on the basis of this, conclusions were drawn about the effectiveness of the use of a pulsed xenon lamp for the disinfection process and the accompanying D3-vitaminization.
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