Problems of pipeline transport protection uprating
Authors: Skvortsov A.P., Ozerin I.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #10(27)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-10-397 | |
Category: Ecology and Industrial Safety | Chapter: Industrial safety |
Keywords: main oil pipeline, pipeline transport, collapse, risk analysis, sounding method, diagnostic method, aerial geological survey, defectoscopy, oil and gas complex, innovative technology |
Published: 07.11.2018 |
The article is devoted to study of remote diagnostics methods to immediate obtain information about the state of main oil pipelines and territory along them. A number of problems arising during the operation of branched trunk pipeline systems is considered. A brief description of pipeline monitoring methods is given. To solve the problems proposed application of aerial surveys in different wavelength ranges, implementation of unmanned aerial vehicles and intelligent inserts. Examples of problems solved through the use of several types of shooting are presented. It was concluded that application of a complex of modern methods of trunk pipelines monitoring significantly saves finance resources and opens up new opportunities for the safe operation of pipeline transportation.
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