
Quantitative examination of the relation between unemployment and gross domestic product as exemplified by the russian federation

Authors: Vashlaev A.D., Kochkin I.A., Sadovskiy G.L.
Published in issue: #3(20)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-3-280

Category: Economics and Production Organization

Keywords: unemployment, gross domestic product, model of regression, MATLAB, MathWorks, selective forecasting method, correlation, macroeconomic indices, socioeconomic development, demography
Published: 19.03.2018

The article analyzes the relation between unemployment and gross domestic product of the Russian Federation in the period from 2000 to 2016 using the linear model of regression constructed in the MathWorks, MATLAB Software R2017b (version 9.3) environment with the application of the tool StatisticsToolbox R2017b (version 11.2). We provide a rationale for the obtained indexes such as the employed population, the unemployment as a percentage of the working-age population and the number of unemployed persons in Russia. The authors undertake the review of the pace of Russia’s socioeconomic development in 2017 and also make a forecast of gross domestic product by means of the selective forecasting method.


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