Influence of the latest borrowings on the phonetic system of the Russian literary language
Authors: Fanieva E.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #7(60)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-7-719 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Pedagogy |
Keywords: consonant phonemes, borrowings, orthoepic experiment, realization of phonemes, sounds, phonetics, phonology, literary language |
Published: 26.08.2021 |
Currently, there is an active introduction of borrowings into the Russian language. The subsystem of borrowed words has its own orthoepic norms and pronunciation features. The assimilation of borrowings does not happen instantly, the mechanisms that include words in the Russian language are not fully described. These considerations reflect the scientific novelty, which lies primarily in the fact that within the framework of the study, phenomena are considered that had not previously played the role of subjects of special research in Russian studies. The article is devoted to the description of the features of the consonant phoneme / w / in the subsystem of borrowed words of the Russian literary language. In the course of the study, the law of Baudouin — Panov on the complication of the system of consonant phonemes in Slavic languages is substantiated. As a result of the conducted orthoepic experiment, the presence of a special phoneme in the speech of informants was revealed and the ways of word assimilation were described. Thus, constantly arriving borrowings must be monitored to record new phenomena in the language.
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