Eugenics: most ambiguous doctrine of human improvement
Authors: Nasruloev S.M. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(4)/2016 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2016-4-38 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Philosophy Science |
Keywords: eugenics, evolution, heredity, intelligence, degeneration, social regulation |
Published: 14.02.2017 |
The article is devoted to eugenics - the doctrine of selection with regard to a human. We examine the history, philosophical foundations, cultural and historical background of the emergence of eugenics. We made the comparison of positive and negative examples of the implementation of eugenics methods. Moreover, we evaluated the place and role of this doctrine in modern society, as well as possible prospects in connection with the development of genetic engineering.
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