Psychological depression in the context of escalating tempo of the universal progress
Authors: Korkunova D.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #9(14)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2017-9-164 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences |
Keywords: society, progress, science, human being, philosophy, psychology, depression, education |
Published: 14.09.2017 |
The article deals with uncovering the main reason for psychological depression in humans in the context of ever escalating tempo of scientific, technological and engineering advancement. The author analyses those changes in the main spheres of social life that, according to the author, will lead to a considerable part of the society losing its productivity in the upcoming decades. The author attempts to answer the following question: will humanity be able to meet the developmental requirements by fixing the problems of contemporary education systems that incorrectly allocate resources to brain mechanisms, or is the majority already physically unable at this stage to keep up with existing and forthcoming developments?
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