Youth subcultures: a historical aspect
Authors: Belozerova T.Yu. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #12(41)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-12-554 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences |
Keywords: subculture, youth, dudes, mods, hippies, teddy boys, hipsters, informal associations |
Published: 18.12.2019 |
The article considers the historical aspect of youth subcultures of the second half of the 20th century. The reasons for the isolation of youth in society are analyzed. The role of young people in social and political processes, the production of material and spiritual wealth, and history is shown. The article contains a brief overview and characteristics of youth subcultures in different countries of the last century with the aim of comparing them and identifying the relationship. It is concluded that informal associations are primarily the reaction of the youth environment to social and political changes in the country and society, which is necessary for self-realization and expression of the “future nation”.
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