Example of building an automatic lift rack control system for the middle-sized wholesale warehouse
Authors: Malkin A.E. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #6(83)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-6-910 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Automation, Control of Technological Processes, and Industrial Control |
Keywords: dark store, automatic lift rack, shuttle, drive control system, asynchronous gear motor, DC motor, microcontroller, frequency converter |
Published: 23.06.2023 |
The paper propose an option in installing an automatic lift rack at the medium-sized wholesale dark store for order picking. The warehouse throughput is determined, which is the basic parameter in determining main characteristics of the automatic rack. Its control system structure is presented being built according to a hierarchical scheme and connected to the dark store control system. Structural diagram of the automatic lift rack and description of this device operation are provided. An algorithm for calculating main elements of the rack drive control system is proposed. Using this method, the required characteristics of electric motors were determined by the main parameters. On the basis of the performed calculation, major components of the automatic lift rack control system were selected.
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