Methods of authoring a financial report ontology in the ifrs format
Authors: Baryshnikov A.I. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(18)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-1-233 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics |
Keywords: ontology, OWL, inference engine, reasoner, RDF, IFRS |
Published: 09.01.2018 |
The study deals with the problem of authoring an ontology of financial reporting concepts for various organisations in the IFRS format. The study included a review and formalisation of the universe of discourse, and analysis of profiles, syntax and inference engines of the ontology that can solve the problem under consideration. We focus on the OWL Web Ontology Language. Our analysis established that the OWL language is the most popular and the most universal. In addition, the study compares inference engines that support OWL, in terms of qualitative criteria (expressive power, sublanguage, rule support and so on) and the computational complexity of running them. Conclusions derived in the article make it possible to pinpoint further potential applications of ontologies.
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