Modeling a system of oscillatory circuits with transformer connection
Authors: Prokhorenko V.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #2(67)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-2-769 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics |
Keywords: modeling of magnetically coupled oscillatory circuits, magnetically coupled systems, mutual inductance, transformer connection, connection parameter, inserted resistance, electric filters, frequency response of magnetically coupled oscillatory circuits |
Published: 24.02.2022 |
The simulation of a system of coupled oscillatory circuits with transformer connection in the environments of mathematical and circuit modeling is performed, and the influence of the magnitude of the magnetic connection on the selective properties of the system is also investigated. The simulation was carried out in the MATLAB and Micro-Cap 12 environments. The program code of the mathematical model and recommendations are given on the use of the magnetic connection function in the Micro-Cap 12 program. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillatory circuit system are constructed. The relevance of the topic is determined by the need for wireless transmission of electromagnetic energy in systems that are safe for operation, as well as for the construction of compact electric filters with good selective properties.
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