Study of a small-sized laser gyroscope for use in underwater robotic systems
Authors: Bolotnov A.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #7(48)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-7-630 | |
Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Laser and opto-electronic systems |
Keywords: robotic complex, ring laser, laser gyroscope, navigation, orientation, autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle, strapdown inertial navigation system, testing |
Published: 03.09.2020 |
The paper considers the prospects of using robotic systems (RS) and the role of inertial navigation systems in their control. The advantage of laser gyroscopes is shown in comparison with gyroscopes of other types in the construction of inertial systems. The requirements are analyzed for the errors of laser gyroscopes as sensors of primary information of strapdown inertial navigation systems (SINS) of the 1–3rd accuracy class. An algorithm is proposed for the selection of small-sized laser gyroscopes for use in the SINS of the control loop of an underwater RS. The approach was tested in the course of experimental studies of a number of GL-18 devices. The test results confirmed the possibility of using a small-sized serial laser gyroscope KL-18 in the development of SINS of the 3rd accuracy class for the control loop of an underwater RS.
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