Problematic aspects of the realization of citizens’ right to compensation for damage caused by illegal actions (inaction) of executive authorities and officials of the Russian Federation
Authors: Malkina Т.О. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #11(64)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-11-747 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Civil and business law |
Keywords: administrative law, civil law, compensation for damage, compensation for harm, executive authorities, civil proceedings, European Court of Human Rights, illegal actions of public authorities |
Published: 18.11.2021 |
The paper describes a legal mechanism of bringing the state represented by the executive authorities and their officials to legal responsibility and the peculiarities of ensuring the right of citizens to compensation for damage caused by illegal actions or inaction of state authorities. It is shown that the legislation imperfection and the absence of a developed mechanism of damage compensation to citizens by the state impede the conduct of uniform judicial practice in civil cases of this category. The conclusion is formulated that the Russian Federation, as a democratic constitutional state, needs to fill the gap in legislation by adopting a normative legal act, at the federal level, fixing the main provisions and stages of legal proceedings to compensate for damage to a citizen caused by illegal actions of executive authorities.
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