The problem of the moral damage amount determination by a court decision
Authors: Krylova A.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #10(87)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-10-942 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Civil and business law |
Keywords: moral damage compensation, moral damage, non-property damage, moral suffering, compensation for harm, compensation amount, compensation calculation methodology, legal uncertainty |
Published: 15.11.2023 |
The paper considers issues of the moral damage compensation in the modern Russian law. The moral damage concept and the related concepts were analyzed. The paper focuses on such aspects, as peculiarities in the moral damage compensation and the problem of its assessment, peculiarities in the relationship between the moral and non-property damage concepts, compensation methods for moral damage and their significance for a victim and problems in determining the compensation amount for such damage. Legislative basis for determining the moral damage amount for a court and the basis for the right to compensation for the moral damage were studied. Various solutions to the problem of legal regulation of the compensation amount were identified. The approaches proposed by scientists to determining methodology in calculating the moral damage compensation are presented. They include tradition of conceptual, personal and functional approaches to determining the moral damage; contractual and extrajudicial mechanisms in determining the compensation amount; minimum and maximum limits in the moral damage compensation amount proposed by the scientists; the Russian Lawyers Association methodology; A.M. Erdelevsky methodology; “post-sanction” approach in the V. Ponarin ideas; and the G. Gorshenkov methodology.
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