Forensic computer technical examination in the system of forensic examination
Authors: Bayush A.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #8(37)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-8-514 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Criminal Law and Criminology |
Keywords: forensic examination, forensic expert, expert opinion, forensic computer-technical examination (FCTE), objects of FCTE, special knowledge, identification tasks, diagnostic tasks |
Published: 02.09.2019 |
This article considers one of the most promising areas of forensic examination — forensic computer-technical examination (FCTE), appointed by authorized bodies and officials. The definition is given of FCTE as a separate kind of engineering and technical class of examinations and subject and FCTE, the main branches of special knowledge used by experts in this field in the process of FCTE are listed. Also, the classification of research objects of FCTE is given, both the main types of FCTE and the objectives of the study of the latter are analyzed. Examples of specific identification and diagnostic tasks of FCTE are given, the main promising areas of FCTE are identified.
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