Extreme necessity as a circumstance excluding criminality of the act
Authors: Maslennikova A.I. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(82)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-5-895 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Criminal Law and Criminology |
Keywords: extreme necessity, conditions of legality, exceeding limits, compensation for harm, protection, hazard, criminal liability, causing harm |
Published: 22.05.2023 |
The paper reveals the essence of extreme necessity of a legal institution. The main attention is paid to the issues of content, conditions of legality and exceeding the extreme necessity limits, as well as to compensation for harm under this circumstance. Based on the analysis of judicial practice and statistical data provided by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, it was determined that this institution was not in high demand, also because it was not sufficiently regulated at the legislative level. The topic relevance is due to the fact that such a complex institution did not receive due attention from the legislator and remained unfinished. Therefore, the courts are experiencing certain difficulties in practice. The aspects of extreme necessity that remained unfinished because of the lack of due attention from the legislator to such a complex legal institution, as well as the difficulties experienced by the courts in practice, are highlighted.
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