Introducing the theory of residues to approximate complex roots of the polynomials of the arbitrary order
Authors: Abramov N.K. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(82)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-5-891 | |
Category: Mathematics | Chapter: Computational Mathematics |
Keywords: polynomial, complex plane, contour integral, algorithm, root, Simpson’s rule, circle, programming, numerical methods |
Published: 19.05.2023 |
The paper presents results of development and implementation of a method for finding all the roots of a polynomial with real coefficients based on the concept of a contour integral in the complex plane, deduction of the complex function and technique of the approximate Riemann integration by the Simpson’s rule. Mathematical substantiation of the proposed algorithm correctness is provided, software implementation in the C++ programming language is presented with certain assumptions, specifics of working with the resulting program are described, and examples of the algorithm are also presented. Separately, the key property of the obtained algorithm was considered and proved, i.e. the guaranteed convergence (excepting the case of all roots with the same radius, but this case could be very easily recognized analytically), even in the entire absence of information about relative position of the polynomial roots implemented by the method successive application with a reduced step in case of the incomplete roots finding.
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