Biotechnical system development for rehabilitation of patients with brain circulation disturbances
Authors: Stepankevich V.Yu. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #8(13)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2017-8-144 | |
Category: Medical sciences | Chapter: Medical equipment and devices |
Keywords: circulatory disturbances of the brain, rehabilitation methods, lost skills, diagnostics and skills training, rehabilitation algorithm |
Published: 12.07.2017 |
The study examined the causes of circulatory disturbances in the brain, their consequences and methods of rehabilitation. We analyzed some modern methods and technical means for rehabilitating patients and described characteristics of a simulator that facilitates restoration of the patient's motor activity and lost skills. Moreover, we developed an algorithm for patients rehabilitation and a mathematical model of the system operation. Finally, we tested the proposed system and proved its operability.
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