
Analysis of change of human body parameters during physical exercises using Kinect video controller

Authors: Velmozhko N.I.
Published in issue: #3(44)/2020
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-3-592

Category: Medical sciences | Chapter: Medical equipment and devices

Keywords: motion recognition, video analytics, exercise, angles, joints, 3D camera, Kinect, Visual Studio
Published: 10.04.2020

Analysis of human body movement using video analytics systems is necessary in modern training processes for athletes. To create recognition algorithms for physical exercise techniques, it is necessary to compile a list of basic parameters, the change of which clearly characterizes the process of performing the selected exercise. In the framework of this study, we analyzed exercises on the lower limbs using the Kinect 3D video controller. The main parameters were angles in the knee and hip joints when performing physical exercises. The aim of this study is further use of the data obtained in machine learning to recognize the movements of athletes.


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