Biomechanical properties of human great saphenous vein under various test conditions
Authors: Borde A.S., Khaydukova I.V., Belikov N.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(46)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-5-607 | |
Category: Medical sciences | Chapter: Medical equipment and devices |
Keywords: biomechanical properties, great saphenous vein, dissipative properties, plastic deformation, cycling preprocessing, hysteresis, tests conditions, uniaxial tension |
Published: 17.05.2020 |
The dissipative properties of the venous wall are used to study the surgical effects on biological tissue. However, they are rarely measured. Test conditions, such as the presence of a liquid medium and its temperature, can significantly affect the results. In this work, we studied the dependence of test conditions on the onset of plastic deformation and the required number of preprocessing cycles. The conditions included saline at a temperature of 37 °C and air at 23 °C. For the human great saphenous vein the stretch corresponding to the onset of plastic deformation averaged 1.8 in air and 2.0 in saline. The required number of preprocessing cycles averaged 5 in air and 4 in saline. The required number of cycles showed a statistically significant dependence on the test conditions, which demonstrates that the test conditions with multi-cycle preprocessing should be as close as possible to in vivo.
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