Traditional and promising diagnostic methods for electroceramics
Authors: Belov V.A., Radaeva V.D., Ternovskikh K.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #8(37)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-8-510 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Forming Technologies and Equipment |
Keywords: electrical insulators, ultra-jet diagnostics, corundum composite ceramics, electrical porcelain, strength characteristics, quality control, thermal non-destructive testing, static pressing method |
Published: 07.08.2019 |
The widespread use of ceramic insulators in the electric power industry is due to their high dielectric constant, relatively low price and high strength characteristics. However, ceramic materials are brittle and prone to fracture under dynamic loads. Currently, there are no widespread methods for assessing the strength characteristics of ceramic materials under the influence of dynamic loads without the preparation of special samples. The article discusses the possibility of applying the method of ultra-jet diagnostics, which allows one to evaluate the dynamic strength characteristics of the material based on the results of exposure to a high-speed water jet. On the example of the technological process, the production of samples by static pressing method and its main stages with the introduced control operations are considered.
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