Numerical analysis of the thickness variation of shallow parent sheets of aircraft parts for various patterns of the stamping process
Authors: Fonarev D.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #9(38)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-9-518 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Forming Technologies and Equipment |
Keywords: forming, stamping, lead, tool stamp, modeling of the drawing process, distribution of wall thickness, disk blanks, numerical modeling methods, meniscus, drawing coefficient |
Published: 10.09.2019 |
Using the finite element method in the DEFORM software environment, we numerically simulated and investigated the process of forming blanks of shallow parts of the “spherical meniscus” type according to three different stamping schemes: in tool stamping, with deformation by a lead block with a flat end, and with deformation by a lead block with a conical cavity provided in it. The principles of work in the DEFORM software environment within the framework of the task are described. The nature of the distribution of the blank thickness in its meridional section is established, a possible explanation of the results is given. The expediency of using profiled lead as a deforming medium is substantiated.
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