Study of particularities of metal powder mixtures injection molding
Authors: Tverskoi M.V., Khilkova A.A., Khilkov D.E. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #11(28)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-11-406 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: foundry |
Keywords: mim-technology, injection molding, viscosity, metallic mixture, melt flow index, shear rate, Arrhenius equation, activation energy |
Published: 19.11.2018 |
The rheological properties of the metal powder mixtures used in MIM-technology are defined. The viscosity models capable of describing the behavior of metallic powder mixtures are presented. The results of measuring metal powder mixtures melt flow index at different mixture temperatures using tester IIRT-5m are given. The relationships between the mixture viscosity and shear rate are plotted. The metal powder mixture activation energy values are calculated using Arrhenius equation. Four metallic mixtures were compared and analyzed: 3 mixtures of the product line Catamold produced by BASF and the mixture created in the laboratory of the department of Casting Technology.
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