
Development of the work algorithm for the dynamic stabilization system of a vehicle with 4х4 wheel arrangement

Authors: Alekseev S.A.
Published in issue: #9(38)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-9-526

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Inspection and Diagnostics in Mechanical Engineering

Keywords: wheel vehicle, simulation, stability, controllability, dynamic stabilization system, active safety, skidding, traffic safety
Published: 25.09.2019

The article presents the algorithm for the dynamic stabilization system of a car with a 4х4 wheel arrangement and a variable-connected front or rear axle drive. When developing the algorithm, the principle of the dynamic stabilization system operation was studied and the nature was analyzed of the biaxial vehicle movement along a supporting surface with different coupling properties without using and using the system. Using the methods of simulation of two-axle vehicles movement with rear and front driving axles, authors have tested the developed algorithm and proved its performance. Conclusions have been drawn on the appropriateness of building an algorithm for the dynamic stabilization system to improve dynamic properties and increase vehicle safety. The algorithm is supposed to be used for wheeled vehicles movement simulation to increase the stability and controllability of developed vehicles.


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