Optimization of the transfer function of a piston compressor according to technological criteria
Authors: Solovyova V.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(33)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-4-468 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science, Drive Systems, and Machine Components |
Keywords: piston compressor, slider-crank mechanism, error, generalized coordinate, transfer function, accuracy grade, vector contour, standard deviation |
Published: 30.04.2019 |
The transfer function of the slider-crank mechanism is considered and the effect of link lengths on its changes is studied. Using the method of projections of the vector contour, the function of the position of the output link (piston) is obtained. The influence of the geometric parameters of the links (length) on the transfer function obtained by differentiation along the generalized coordinate is investigated. The set of values of the standard deviations found by changing the nominal lengths of the mechanism and, as a result, changing the values of the initial transfer function is determined. From this set is composed a surface reflecting the nature of the influence of both links on the change in the transfer function. By analyzing the surface, rational values of the accuracy grade of crank and connecting rod lengths were obtained, which were the minimum necessary, but completely sufficient.
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