Experimental vibrodiagnostics of crack and modal analysis of its finite-element model
Authors: Aleksandrov Ya.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #2(43)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-2-578 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science, Drive Systems, and Machine Components |
Keywords: vibration diagnostics of cracks, fatigue tests, test bench, non-destructive testing methods, natural frequencies, amplitude-frequency characteristics, spectral analysis, finite element modeling |
Published: 13.02.2020 |
A stand for fatigue testing has been developed. Experimental tests are carried out of the development of a defect in the form of a crack in the plate. During the tests, temporary signals were taken from vibration sensors mounted on the plate and the base of the rack, the linear relationship of the received signals was proved, the results were processed by the method of spectral analysis. As a result, the amplitude-frequency spectrum of the plate under study was obtained. Using the finite element method, a model of the object is created. A modal analysis of the constructed model is carried out, theoretical and experimental research results are compared. The conclusion is drawn about the possibility of using the constructed diagnostic model in practice.
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