
Classification and analysis of design features of portable 3D scanning laser systems

Authors: Brich I.A.
Published in issue: #6(59)/2021
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-6-707

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics, and Robotic Systems

Keywords: 3D laser scanning, portable 3D scanning systems, computer 3D model, monitoring, BIM technologies, lidar, mapping, portable scanning systems
Published: 24.06.2021

The authors analyzed the main areas of application of portable 3D scanning systems and highlighted the categories that have the greatest impact on technical solutions and design. The leading companies for the production of 3D systems were named and a classification was carried out on the examples of their products. The main classes are the scanning systems used on unmanned aerial vehicles of the heavy class; systems installed on light unmanned aerial vehicles; wheeled vehicle scanning systems; and hand scanners or scanners using robotic platform. The authors analyzed technical solutions and basic parameters that emphasize the specificity of systems related to the selected classes.


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