
Creation of mass-sensitive piezoelectric elements by the method of pulsed laser deposition

Authors: Krivosheev A.V., Ponomarenko S.L.
Published in issue: #6(35)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-6-492

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical Processing

Keywords: pulsed laser deposition, dust sensor, mass-sensitive sensor, quartz microbalance, quartz resonator, environment pollution, thin-film coating, measurement of the thickness of thin films
Published: 19.06.2019

In this paper, the authors indicated the problem of the accuracy of environmental pollution control. The authors described the problem of existing measuring instruments that are based on a quartz piezo element. The advantages of quartz microbalances over other methods of measuring concentration are given. The authors showed the design of the quartz mass-sensitive sensor and proposed a method of its production — pulsed laser deposition, and indicated the advantages of the methods over analogs. The described experiment was carried out on the installation NanoFab 100. The characteristics of the experiment are indicated such as the number of pulses, pulse repetition rate, pressure in the chamber, distance between the target and the substrate. In addition, the authors presented the table with the results of measuring the natural oscillation frequency of a resonator before and after applying a coating on it. The obtained values of the mass and thickness of the deposited layer are indicated. The possibilities of determining the concentration of a substance in the medium are noted.


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