Modes of thermal treatment of steel 15H2GN2TRA after carburization
Authors: Buzaverov K.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(33)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-4-466 | |
Category: Metallurgy and Science of Materials | Chapter: Metal Science, Thermal Processing of Metals and Alloys |
Keywords: vacuum carburizing, low carbon steel, gears, carburised layer, hardening, tempering, contact fatigue durability, hardness |
Published: 18.04.2019 |
The paper addresses the issues of improving the performance characteristics of heavy duty aviation gear wheels made of low carbon economy-alloyed steel C0,15Cr2MnNi2TiB. Provides information about the modes of final heat treatment, used after vacuum cementation. A heat treatment process was developed to ensure the presence of carbides on the tooth profiles, the absence of a carbide mesh in the carburized layer, the minimum amount of residual austenite, and the optimum mechanical properties of gears: surface hardness of 60 HRC, core hardness of 40 HRC. The optimum temperature conditions for high tempering after carburization and low tempering after quenching are determined.
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