Utilization of casing-head gas
Authors: Barykina E.S., Inshakova A.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(5)/2016 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2016-5-42 | |
Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Machines and Devices, Processes of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering, Air Conditioning |
Keywords: casing-head gas, separation, compression, oil-flooded screw compressor, oil flow circuit, gas turbine plant, compressor station, purification methods, valve |
Published: 14.03.2017 |
The article examines compressor stations in field and industrial pipelines. We show the expediency of using oil-flooded screw compressors with valve regulation and separate lubrication system. The study tested the problems of preparing casing-head gas before it is fed to a compressor station in the field pipeline and after the compressor station in the industrial pipeline.
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