Studying the influence of ideas of east and west civilizations on the formation of the russian society and the state
Authors: Kashuba К.А. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(42)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-1-574 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Philosophy Science |
Keywords: philosophy, History of Russia, Slavophilism, Westernism, Eurasianism, Tyutchev, Chaadaev, Soloviev, Trubetskoy, Gumilev, Toynbee |
Published: 10.02.2020 |
The article is devoted to the analysis of the main directions in philosophical and social thought, focused on determining the attitude of Russia to the eastern and western types of civilization. For a clearer understanding of the main milestones of the country’s development and the study of the influence of external civilizations at each stage of the formation of Russian society and the state, a brief description is given. The following is an overview of the main philosophical movements that present their views on the formation of Russian society and the state: Slavophilism, Westernism, and later Eurasianism. After analyzing the main currents, a conclusion is drawn about the similarity of processes in different societies in their collision with cultures alien to them.
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