Research of the process of low-temperature dehydration in vacuum
Authors: Galuzin A.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #9(38)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-9-525 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Forming Technologies and Equipment |
Keywords: dehydration, low-temperature dehydration, vacuum drying, LDV technology, automatic control system, waste processing, LDV equipment, temperature regime |
Published: 19.09.2019 |
This article discusses the technology and equipment for low-temperature dehydration in vacuum. Today, the environmental situation around the world requires more attention to the processes of processing and disposal of waste, which are often simply dumped into the surrounding space. The technology of low-temperature dehydration in vacuum (LDV) is an environmentally friendly and high-tech method of processing food waste, which allows for high-quality dehydration of the product while maintaining the original structure and percentage of biologically useful components. The authors of the article analyze and select the optimal modes of dehydration, during which the temperature range for the most economical and productive mode of the drying process is determined. In addition, the article describes the automated installation of the LDV, which is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the LDV technology and to work out the modes of dehydration of various substances with an initial humidity of 65 % to 98 %. This unit can be used both for waste processing and for the manufacture of food products. The results showed that the LDV technology is effective, high-tech and environmentally friendly, and its applications start from the processing of waste of various types of production and end with the manufacture of food.
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