
Development and investigation of the submersible vertical motion control system. trim difference loop synthesis

Authors: Gostilovich S.O., Gostilovich A.O.
Published in issue: #5(22)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-5-305

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics, and Robotic Systems

Keywords: submersible, mathematical model, trim difference, vertical motion, linearized model, feedback, proportional plus reset controller, adaptive system, transfer-function, the worst case of steadiness
Published: 07.05.2018

On the basis of using the simplified mathematical model of the submersible by means of synthesis frequency methods we have constructed a trim angle control loop. While constructing a control loop we added position and velocity feedback. The investigation shows small dependence of the attitude position loop steadiness through the trim difference from the linearization point on the trim angle. The article justifies the application of the proportional plus reset controller with the integration limit for eliminating the steady-state errors caused by the input effect and external disturbances. In order to determine the proportional plus reset controller parameters we have used a simulation technique. The authors suggest an adaptive law of integration limit formation depending on the input effect. We simulate the operation of the trim difference control loop with due consideration of nonlinearity of the submersible model.


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