Study of energy efficiency of four-legged mechatronic walking devices
Authors: Vecherin Ya.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #8(25)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-8-362 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics, and Robotic Systems |
Keywords: mechatronic walking device, kinematic structure, "trot" gait, energy consumption, energy efficiency, electric drive, motion resistance coefficient, MATLAB, analytical calculation |
Published: 27.08.2018 |
The article conducts a research and performs a comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of the four-legged mechatronic walking device, protected by the Russian Federation patent No. 2642020, and the best domestic and foreign counterparts. The study of energy efficiency through the evaluation of the three main components of energy costs is carried out: to ensure the movement of the legs relative to the hull, to maintain the weight of the mechatronic walking device and to develop traction. Calculations show that the application of the investigated kinematic structure of the mechatronic walking device provides greater energy efficiency when moving along a straight, flat surface with a "trot" gait with the specified driving regimes. In this case, the mass and cost of the mechatronic walking device can be reduced.
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