
The line of robotic means for decommissioning nuclear power plants

Authors: Lakutin N.A., Oganesyan V.S.
Published in issue: #3(32)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-3-450

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics, and Robotic Systems

Keywords: nuclear power plants, decommissioning, mobile robotic means for dismantling nuclear power plant structures, mobile reconnaissance robots, auxiliary mobile robots, attached implements, dismantling nuclear power plants, calculating stability
Published: 13.03.2019

The main need for mobile robotic tools for dismantling nuclear power plants (NPPs) was analyzed, parts of NPPs that are most exposed to radiation were examined using the example of an existing power plant, the main negative types of impact on NPP processes on its design, as well as equipment for its dismantling were indicated. The main robots for dismantling and various types of attached implements installed on them are considered. The calculations of the limiting values of the mass of the lifted goods without loss of stability of the robot were carried out. A group of auxiliary robotic tools that can participate in the dismantling process was considered. The principal weight categories of robotic tools necessary for the decommissioning of the parts of the plant that are most exposed to radiation have been identified.


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